Mr. Daniel Growald 

Mr. Daniel Growald 

Co-Chair, BankFWD

Daniel Growald is Co-Chair of BankFWD, a network of individuals and organizations using their collective wealth and public standing to persuade banks to phase out financing for fossil fuels and lead on climate change. He serves as a founder, investor, and partner of organizations working to align the power of capital with the intelligence of nature. He has previously founded startups in digital media and carbon-negative power finance; worked alongside renowned social entrepreneur Paul Polak to commercialize ventures in safe drinking water and village-scale renewable energy in India; designed and co-facilitated a life coaching academy; and conducted scientific fieldwork on the intersection of land use, bioenergy, and climate change in Central America. Daniel is a Trustee of the David Rockefeller Fund, a former trustee of the Growald Family Fund, and a Morris K. Udall Scholar. He graduated magna cum laude from Princeton University with a BA in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.